Start Now. Get Perfect Later

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Blitzscaling, Money Know More Make More Give More, Life Leverage, Start Now Get Perfect Later 4 Books Collection Set:


Silicon Valley is renowned for its striking number of businesses which have grown from garage start-ups into global giants; Apple, Cisco, Google, HP and Intel to name a few. But what is the secret to their outstanding success? Hoffman and Yeh explain that it's simple: they've learnt how to blitzscale.

Money: Know More, Make More, Give More:

That is a universal desire, but many of us regard wealth and financial independence as a goal which we'll likely never achieve - there are just too many bills that need paying and there is a widespread belief that the money game is rigged. Even people who win the lottery or inherit money often seem to wind up losing it.

Life Leverage:

Life Leverage means taking control of your life, easily balancing your work and free time, making the most money with the minimum time input & wastage, and living a happier and more successful life.Using Rob Moore's remarkable Life Leverage model, you'll quickly banish & outsource all your confusion, frustration and stress & live your ideal, globally mobile life, doing more of what you love on your own terms.

Start Now Get Perfect Later:

Hardly anyone gets it right the first time, but many of us are crippled by indecision and fear of failure. The desire to get it right can inhibit us from getting started. In this book Rob Moore, the bestselling author of MONEY, shows that the quickest way to perfect is starting right now and improving as you go.

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