Mechanism Design: Volume 1: Analysis and Synthesis: Vol. 1 фото книги маленькое 2
Mechanism Design: Volume 1: Analysis and Synthesis: Vol. 1 фото книги

Mechanism Design: Volume 1: Analysis and Synthesis: Vol. 1

1258.67 BYN
1132.80 BYN
Дата доставки.
Доставка в Минск: 17 Мая (Пт) - 20 Мая (Пн)
Доставка в регионы: 23 Мая (Чт) - 27 Мая (Пн)

Essential Neuropharmacology: The Prescriber's Guide reviews the full range of medications used by neurologists in clinical practice. Expert knowledge is given about the best use of medications in patient care. Each drug listing contains the full range of indications, their advantages and disadvantages, and tips for dosing and avoiding adverse effects. Evidence is taken from recent clinical trials, which helps the reader relate the drug descriptions to everyday clinical practice. Where appropriate, off-label uses are also described. The detailed descriptions of each medication enable the user to make quick and informed decisions with the confidence they need to serve the clinical needs of their patients effectively. The new edition is fully updated throughout. Major new additions include neuro-oncology drugs, new multiple sclerosis agents, sleep medications and new formulations. This book is an essential, user-friendly reference suitable for neurologists at all stages of their careers.

Штрих код
ООО «Абрис-Бел». 220112, РБ, г. Минск, ул. Cырокомли 7-167
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