George Washington's Secret Spy War: The Making of America's First Spymaster фото книги маленькое 2
George Washington's Secret Spy War: The Making of America's First Spymaster фото книги

George Washington's Secret Spy War: The Making of America's First Spymaster

110.92 BYN
99.83 BYN
Дата доставки.
Доставка в Минск: 05 Июля (Пт) - 08 Июля (Пн)
Доставка в регионы: 11 Июля (Чт) - 15 Июля (Пн)

Now in paperback, the untold story of how George Washington, a Virginia farmer, became the eighteenth century's greatest and America's first spymaster. George Washington's Secret Spy War is the untold story of how George Washington took a disorderly, ill-equipped rabble and defeated the best trained and best equipped army of its day in the Revolutionary War. Author John A. Nagy has become the nation's leading expert on the subject, discovering hundreds of spies who went behind enemy lines to gather intelligence during the American Revolution, many of whom are completely unknown to most historians. Using George Washington's diary as the primary source, Nagy tells the story of Washington's experiences during the French and Indian War and his first steps in the field of espionage. Despite what many believe, Washington did not come to the American Revolution completely unskilled in this area of warfare. He used espionage to level the playing field and then exploited it on to final victory. Filled with thrilling and never-before-told stories from the battlefield and behind enemy lines, this is the story of how Washington out-spied the British. For the first time, readers will discover how espionage played a major part in the American Revolution and why Washington was a master at orchestrating it.

Тип обложки
Штрих код
140x213 мм
430 гр.
ООО «Абрис-Бел». 220112, РБ, г. Минск, ул. Cырокомли 7-167
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